
Sports Can Be A Major or Not

Nowadays, people pay attention to sprots more and more. They will investment in it with a huge resource such as the U.S. , China, and Russia. In those places, Sports can be a major. Their athlete can be a professional player. In Hong Kong, sports never will be a major. Athele just can be a amateur player. Parents, information, and the government also can affect the sports can be a major or not.

Culture is the basic problem to decide a subject can be a major or not. In Hong Kong, almost every parents think sports just can be a insterest. They always think about the major need to bring home the bacon. In their mind, Maketing, Law, and Medicine also can make their children become outstanding and rich. On the other hand, the U.S. parents think every subject has its master even though it is art, music or sports. They will spport their children in every way. Parents are the one kind of trend to settle what the major is.

Nowadays, the effect of information technology education is secong only to parents. In Hong Kong, media always broadcast other countries sports' news. For example, N.B.A, Wimbledon Championships, and other football leagues. Teenagers know foreign atheles more than local. It will make them to think local atheles are not professional. Then they will just want to be a foreign famous athele and they will not join the local training anymore. So, information also can control the trend.

Finally, the government is the last one to rule the major. Choosing the outstanding is Hong Kong government's style even though it is a training program. Nearly all of coaches just want to find out the special one. It will make other normal children have no way to join any training. Then parents will push their children who are normal to study other subject except sports. Therefore, a subject can be a major, it depends on the goverment's system.

In conclusion, Sports can be a major in the U.S., but not in Honk Kong. Because of three things, parents, information and the government. Parents can push their children to study a major what the parents want. Information can influence teenagers' thinking. It can make people look down on local sports or not. The government is a judge to estimate a subject. Unfortunately, in Hong Kong all of them do not support sports. So, sports are totally different between in the U.S. and in Hong Kong.


What Is My Major

So far, I have lived in the U.S. for six months. I know my target is to finish a undergraduate degree. It is clear and definite, but I never think about the major. Even though I will take criminology, I don't have to decide it. I am so confused, because I must go back to HK when I finished the undergraduate degree. That's mean I need to choose a major what can earn money in HK. For example, Marketing, Criminology, Accounting and others. In HK, some majors are not valued. So, I need to make a decision between interest and actuality.The other problem is my family. My source of income is my parent, so at least i need to tell them what major i will choose. That also make me feel perplexed.

Luckily, I have seven months to decide it. I will go back to HK in September, because my the other sister get married. Then I will skip the fall semester. So, i can talk with my parent about my major. It is a good news for me. Then I can focus on TOFLE. I hope I can pass the TOFLE and have a full time undergraduate in the next spring semester. Anyway, I will try my best.


讀書破萬卷 - 男子漢養成班

繼聖經之後,雖然我睇晒成套金庸小說,因為大多數人都睇過,好似無咩好講咁(不過我都會後補既......)。所以一月個陣睇左呢本書,「男子漢養成班」,原名係《The Way of The Wild Heart》,呢一本唔係教人健身,又或者係一般「如何成為一位成熟男士」既陳腔濫調。我睇完之後覺得本書好「到肉」。

















